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Child Maltreatment with CD (2-volume set) 3rd Edition
Angelo P. Giardino, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP & Randell Alexander, MD, PhD, FAAP
Author Angelo P. Giardino, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP & Randell Alexander, MD, PhD, FAAP
Publisher STM Learning
ISBN 9781878060853
No. Of Pages 0
Format Two-volume set, hardbound with slipcase and CD
Language English
Price £ 245.78
Discount(%) 0.00
9781878060853.jpg 9781878060853.jpg 9781878060853.jpg


Discounted Price: AED 1035
Price: AED1294

Quick Overview

The 3rd edition of Child Maltreatment is the new standard and the most comprehensive approach to identifying, interpreting, and reporting child abuse. The editors have produced a fully updated and revised edition, with new contributions from leading experts in the field, making this edition the most complete resource available for addressing child abuse and neglect.

Table of Contents

Volume I: A Clinical Guide and Reference

1. Overview of Child Maltreatment

2. Skeletal and Visceral Radiological Imaging

3. Head Injury

4. Bruises and Burns in Child Maltreatment

5. Ophthalmic Manifestations

6. Oral Injuries

7. Thoracoabdominal Injuries

8. The Chemically Abused Child

9. Neglect and Abandonment

10. Failure to Thrive: A Reconceptualization

11. Sexual Abuse: Overview

12. Sexual Abuse: Issues Related to Interviewing Children

13. Sexual Abuse: The Medical Examination

14. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

15. Psychological Maltreatment

16. Developmental Aspects of the Young Child

17. Psychopathology and the Child Psychologist

18. Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

19. Psychological Assessment and Treatment Approaches

20. Drawing in Short-Term Assessment and Investigation

21. Role of the School

22. Risk of the Internet

23. Risk of Abuse in Faith Communities

24. Cultural Aspects

25. Children With Special Needs

26. Foster Care: Healthcare Issues

27. Family Abduction

28. Pediatric Screening for Intimate Partner Violence

29. Interpersonal Violence

30. The Role of Law Enforcement

31. Legal Issues

32. Preparing a Case for Court

33. Preparing to Give Expert Testimony

34. Role of the Medical Examiner in Fatal Cases

35. Child Fatality Review Team

36. Forensic Evidence Collection

37. DNA Evidence

38. Multidisciplinary Teams

39. Role of Physician and Nurse Education

40. Opportunities for Federal Funding and Collaboration

41. Public Child Welfare

42. Role of the Social Worker

43. Prevention

Volume II: A Comprehensive Photographic Reference Identifying Potential Child Abuse

Section 1. Physical Abuse

Section 2. Sexual Abuse

Section 3. Neglect

Section 4. Criminal and Psychological Investigations

Section 5. Evaluation, Equipment, and Demonstrations

Section 6. Resources for Child Care Professionals
