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Lightning Thief
Riordan; Rick
Author Riordan; Rick
Publisher Hyperion Books
ISBN 9780786838653
No. Of Pages 377
Format Paperback
Language English
Price £ 6.08
Discount(%) 0.00
9780786838653.jpg 9780786838653.jpg 9780786838653.jpg


The Percy Jackson series It all started one afternoon on a field trip in NYC. His boarding school was visiting a museum, nothing out of the ordinary. Then, everything happened in minuets, Percy's math teacher turned into a monster, his latin teacher through him a ball point pen that turned into a full length sword, he slashed his math teacher and she bursted into gold dust. His best friend Grover tried to pretend nothing happened, but Percy could see right through him. The rest of the year had been a strange everyone else at school acted as if his old math teacher never existed. A new math teacher came out of no where and claims she had been there all year. Was everyone at school playing a joke on him or has something else going on? Once the school year ended, his Mom surprised him with a trip to the beach. They'd planned to stay for a few nights, but a freak storm blew over and all the sudden Grover showed up at there door. But Grover was different, from the waist up he look perfectly fine, but from the waist down He looked like the bottom of a sheep. Grover and Percy's mom Sally start talking in incomplete sentences and Percy has no idea what going on, but it sounded like they were in danger. They run to the car with Sally and Grover still talking in incomplete sentences. They start mumbling something about a camp. Percy still is as confused as ever. Everything else is a blur, some kind of bull man start charging at them, the car crashes and Sally and Grover yell at Percy saying "Run to the top of the hill, you will be safe there" Percy doesn't know what to do. Will he make it out alive?


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